Connections in Mind hosts this community for coaches, teachers and professionals who are passionate about Executive Function Skill development.
Connections in Mind and the Connections in Mind Foundation host this thriving community where professionals from diverse backgrounds and training come together to learn, share resources and pool their knowledge & expertise as they support young people and neurodiverse adults.
The community is underpinned by the principles of executive function coaching. Based on neuroscientific research, executive function coaching is a client/student-led approach to behaviour change. It helps individuals to develop self-awareness and to form new habits, enhancing their lives and helping them become more successful at mastering the skills they need to flourish. Often the barrier to success for individuals struggling at school or the workplace has their roots in challenges with executive function skills.
Most people have an array of executive function skills strengths and weaknesses. Identifying weaknesses can help in order to devise strategies to overcome these weaknesses. Because of the malleable nature of the brain’s neural pathways, techniques to overcome executive function challenges can be learnt.
Executive Function Coaching can be delivered as a bespoke intervention or integrated into an existing practice.